Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Working with Indesign - Preliminary task

To become familiar with a new software called Indesign, i did a preliminary task which involved cutting out a DJ figure on Photoshop by:
>using the pen tool to cut around the DJ figure, just keeping inside the image to avoid a white edge.
>then going to 'path' then to 'load path as a selection' which made the edge dotted.
>went to select then 'inverse' which selected only the DJ figure and not the background.
>finally i saved the image.
Indesign>i then took the image into the Indesign software.
>i used the rectagle tool to form a background.
>i then went to the colour panel and selected orange.
>after that i had to use the rectangle frame tool in order to place a photograph.
>i dragged the photograph of the DJ figure from the area i saved it in into the rectange frame i made.
>finally i had to resize the image by pressing 'command' and 'shift' together.

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